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They day before…

Today is the last day Little will be a four-legged lady and I have so many emotions. The kids said “bye” before school and gave her some extra scratches on her right side. I picked some extra pain meds for her this morning so she can have a restful day and cried all the way home from the vets office.

I called my dad to give me a good laugh on the way — he reminded me of the Robert Redford movie Jeremiah Johnson. The scene goes something like this… Jeremiah and Bear Claw Chris Lapp approach some elk and get off of their horses and crouch down a little to hide. Jeremiah says to Bear Claw, “won’t he see my feet?” and Bear Claw says, “Elk don’t know how many feet a horse has!”.. thus explaining that Little has no idea how many feet she has, or how many she’s supposed to have for that matter. It’s a good “dad-joke way” of looking at things.

My husband, smart and witty man that he is says “even though she’ll only have three legs, that’s still more legs than we have”. Laughing has been a great way to deal with the what-if’s I’ve had over the last week, watching her limp to and from the food bowl to our bed.

I’ll spend the day giving her EXTRA love and try to drown myself in work. Tomorrow, I’ll take all of my crazy anxiety out on cleaning all the floors and bedding so she can sleep in all of her favorite spots. My kids pitched in and cleaned off the stairstep drawer system in their room so she can use it as a ladder to get to the top bunk. It’s pretty adorable how everyone is ready to get her back to normal immediately and love on her.

6 thoughts on “They day before…”

  1. Awwww that is the best way to look at this situation, tell your Dad we said “Thanks!” And it’s SO true! Animals don’t get hung up on their appearance of number of legs the way we do. They just want to get on with life and you will see that in your Little.

    We’re sorry you had to join our club but look forward to helping you through this recovery and beyond. Please keep us posted, we’ll be waiting for an update!

    1. Hey Jerry!
      Thank you so much for the encouraging words. We’re all pacing the house and waiting for the “all clear” call right now. I’m looking forward to reading all of the recovery stories from everyone else..this community seems amazing!

  2. Welcome Little and family! Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, and a speedy recovery. You’ve found the right website, there is a ton of useful information here.
    Keep us posted!
    Brad and Jet

    1. Thanks Brad and Jet! We’re so glad there’s resources. My brain hasn’t really wrapped around the idea of amputation but luckily I like to do research and the community and info here is great!

  3. Hoping your surgery day was an uneventful success! Please let us know how you made out. If you have any questions, the forums is a great spot to ask questions, vent, and get advice for any concerns you may have. Welcome!

    Jackie and Huckleberry 💖💖💖

    1. Hey Jackie and Huckleberry!
      Thanks for the encouragement. I think venting and asking questions in the forums is where I am going to go today. Last night was a struggle but she’s up and around much better this morning in about 5 minute blocks.

      Thank you!
      Little and Famiy

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